Direct Cinema study of the first Norwegian Climate Lawsuit and the hard hitting Supreme Court ruling. In this case environmental organizations sued the Norwegian state over petroleum lisencing in the Barents sea. Norwegian title: ENHVER HAR RETT TIL Check out the film webpage and facebook
De Elendige
Videoparts for the play DE ELENDIGE by director Thomas Østgaard, including fiction and documentary from Norway and Djibouti. A parallel between the original story by Victor Hugo and recent sociopolitical events in Norway. Touring 15.2-18.3 with lots of nice acting by Anders Kippersund, Inga-Live Kippersund, Solveig Laland Mohn, Ivar Furre Aam and Khalid Ahmed, fantastic […]
First Do No Harm
“First Do No Harm” by Thomas Østbye will premiere at Norwegian Short Film Festival 17.6. Thanx to actors Vilde Søyland, Henrik Tidemann, Pinar Ciftci, Haflidi Arnar, scriptwriter Gjermund Gislevold, Cinematographer Lukasz Zamaro and VerdalsLab.
“Parallellaksjonen” exhibition
PARALLELLAKSJONEN Video documentation (6min excerpt) from 16 minute looped video-installation at Oppland Kunstsenter. Shot in the Arctic and in Kalimantan(Indonesian Borneo) 11 windows(170cm high) with mapped projection, stereosoundtrack, the room is 12m long. “Gamle Gudbrand” music by Fredrik Ness Sevendal
Tingenes Stillstand – review of Things by Kjetil Røed
Read the review of THINGS in Ny Tid by Kjetil Røed in this link excerpt: Jeg ser og ser. Men hvorfor skal vi bare se, og hvorfor gjøre det så lenge? Jo: For å legge merke til at verden er der som noe annet enn nytte. For å trene oss i den tålmodigheten som trengs […]
THINGS at Kunstnernes Hus Kino, with philosopher Arne Johan Vetlesen
THINGS & HUMAN screens(with eng subs) at Kunstnernes Hus Kino 29/3 – 18:00, followed by introduction and discussion with Arne Johan Vetlesen and Endre Eidsaa Larsen(in norwegian). Event Tickets Review PlymSerafin og Kunstnernes Hus Kino inviterer til visning av TING og HUMAN av Thomas A Østbye med […]
Nærhet til verden – Filmmagasinet intervju
Intervju i Filmmagasinet om TING og HUMAN av Einar Aarvig. “Særegne, prisbelønte og ofte politiske verk som Drømme kan du gjøre senere (2005), Human (2009), Imagining Emanuel (2011) og Out of Norway (2014) gjør Thomas Østbye til en av Norges mest interessante kortfilmskapere. Det er kompromissløst, inderlig og veldig ulikt alt annet. Nå har han […]
Article by Gunnar Iversen
A long and thorough article on Imagining Emanuel and Out of Norway by film professor Gunnar Iversen, including free preview of Imagining Emanuel. Ut av Norge opplevelser. (in Norwegian)
Retrospective at DA-films
Retrospective at DAfilms with free streaming of films by Thomas A Østbye
UNHCR Award to Out of Norway
OUT OF NORWAY received the UNHCR Award for best documentary on migration at FIFDH Paris.