is a small Norwegian film production company focusing on formally challenging documentary films that seek depth in their subject matter. The productions have received a dozen film and art awards including Nordic Dox Award at CPH:DOX for Imagining Emanuel, Prix Français – National Art Exhibition for In your dreams, Golden Chair at Grimstad and Goldener Schlüssel at Kasseler for Human. They’ve screened at HotDocs, IDFA, CPH:DOX, Sheffield and MoMA, and was nominated several times for the National Film Awards, the Broadcasting Awards and Prix Europa. PlymSerafin is a supporter of Medecins Sans Frontieres.
is a distinctive voice among Norwegian directors. He’s known to combine artistic reflections on the documentary genre with contemporary political dilemmas. He made his mark with formally challenging documentaries like Imagining Emanuel, HUMAN, and In your dreams, which received a dozen art and film awards, bought by the Arts Council Norway, and screened at venues ranging from the National Broadcasting to the Museum of Modern Art NY. Østbye also makes art installations, photography, interactive film, and runs the production company PlymSerafin.
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